Vol. 25 (2022): Journal of Linguistic Association of Nigeria

					View Vol. 25 (2022): Journal of Linguistic Association of Nigeria

JOLAN is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary academic journal, published by the Linguistic Association of Nigeria (LAN). It publishes serious, well-researched, and original papers or reports in linguistics, languages, literature, culture, information, and technology and communication studies. It was established in 1982 as the professional journal of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria. JOLAN is published every year, and occasional supplements are published as the needs arise. Some earlier editions are available online for free download @ www.academix.ng. Current editions are available online @
www.jolan.com.ng. Manuscripts are received all year round for consideration. Manuscripts and all correspondence should be sent to:

The Editor, JOLAN

Published: 2023-01-22
