The Languages of the North Central Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria


  • Gideon S. Omachonu Nasarawa State University,
  • Abigail Musa Dalhatu Nasarawa State University,
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Using descriptive survey, personal/participatory observation, and a review of relevant literature, the study presents an appraisal of the linguistic situation of the languages in North Central Nigeria as it relates to the vitality of the languages, efforts in language documentation and description so far in the region, and the attendant challenging issues. As against the approximately 150 languages identified in North Central Nigeria by Crozier & Blench (1992) and Blench (2011), this study identified 124 languages in the zone with Plateau having the highest number (46) and Kwara housing only four (4) languages (c.f. Table VIII). The linguistic situation in North Central is a replica of the linguistic situation in Nigeria as a whole which is characterized with extreme linguistic diversity with multiplicity of languages whose exact number cannot be given with a high degree of certainty. From all indications, most of the languages in the region are yet to attain high level of development and standardization. Again, even though it could be said that language endangerment is a common phenomenon in Nigeria, the threat is more in northern Nigeria than any part of the country. The fact that there exist some appreciable levels of linguistic description in some of the major or macro-minority languages in the zone notwithstanding, there are certain challenging issues that may need to be addressed to allow for more progress in the documentation and description of the languages. This, we believe, would empower and revitalize the languages.

Author Biographies

Gideon S. Omachonu, Nasarawa State University,

Keffi Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Abigail Musa Dalhatu, Nasarawa State University,

Keffi Nasarawa State, Nigeria


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How to Cite

S. Omachonu, G. ., & Musa Dalhatu, A. . (2018). The Languages of the North Central Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria. Retrieved from


