The Efficacy and Relevance of Tiv Proverbs in Conflict Resolution


  • Terver T. Udu
  • Esther Iveren Shagba


Anzaakaa- proverbs, dialogue, ethno-religious conflicts, reconciliation
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Tiv proverbs (Anzaakaa) are a common feature of social discourse especially among the elderly. The linguistic and cultural relevance of Tiv proverbs, as this paper shows, can be noticed in so many ways. Communication rich in proverbs heightens poetic colouration and is a measure of linguistic functionality. It has been observed that people pay more attention to proverbial expressions than plain language. The wisdom implanted in Tiv proverbs makes them relevant and efficacious in tackling conflict situations. This paper contains a vivid description of a wide array of conflict situations that call for the use of proverbial expressions as an instrument of conflict resolution. As theoretical frameworks, the authors drew significant insights from the just war theory and pacifism to explain the basis for conflict situations. In doing a pragmatic analysis of Tiv proverbs, the speech act theory guided our discussion. Primary and secondary sources of data collection were explored. Primary sources were by means of oral interview and authors’ intuitive knowledge of Tiv proverbs, while secondary sources were by means of reading of published proverbs. The paper concludes that, proverbs if used appropriately, can successfully achieve the intended effect of reconciliation of the parties in conflict. The paper finally recommends that proverbs should be studied carefully and used together with other means such as legislation and court injunctions to resolve conflicts.

Author Biographies

Terver T. Udu

Benue State University, Makurdi

Esther Iveren Shagba

Benue State University, Makurdi



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How to Cite

T. Udu, T. ., & Iveren Shagba, E. . (2018). The Efficacy and Relevance of Tiv Proverbs in Conflict Resolution. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria, 21(2), 173–187. Retrieved from