Ò̩fò̩ ̀(Incantation) as Lubricant for Oògùn in Yorùbá Traditional Medicine


  • Sunday Layi Oladipupo Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko
  • Jumoke H. Asiwaju Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko


Oo ̀gu ̀n, o ̩ fo ̩ ̀ (incantation), Yoruba worldview
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Oògùn in Yorùbá is an all-encompassing phenomenon that works for varieties of things. It is curative, protective, defensive and destructive. Oògùn, although is all encompassing, does not work without a complement which is o̩ fo (incantation). While scholars have researched on Oògùn and o̩ fo̩ ̀ separately, not many scholars have researched on the connection between the two, thereby suggesting that o̩ fo̩ ̀ can be discarded and Oògùn will still perform its expected function. Hence, this paper attempts a critical study of o̩ fo̩ ̀ as lubricant for Oògùn. It argues, adopting the methods of description and philosophical argumentation that some Oògùn needs o̩ fo̩ ̀ to work. It concludes that the place of o̩ fo̩ ̀ cannot be quantified for effectiveness of some Oògùn in Yoruba worldview and that it will not be a tenable position to discard the efficacy of o̩ fo̩ ̀ in activating such Oògùn.


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How to Cite

Layi Oladipupo, S. ., & H. Asiwaju, J. . (2017). Ò̩fò̩ ̀(Incantation) as Lubricant for Oògùn in Yorùbá Traditional Medicine. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria, 20(1). Retrieved from https://jolan.com.ng/index.php/home/article/view/89