Affixation in Hausa and Kambari Languages


  • Aliyu Dantata Department of English. Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University


Hausa, Kambari, Affixation, Derivational Morphology
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This article investigates the operation affixes in the Hausa and Kambari languages. Affixes are means of changing the base or root of a word to adjust its meaning and fit into different syntactic and semantic contexts. In this article, I analyse the functions of affixes in these languages (Hausa and Kambari) with a view to bringing out their rich and interesting affixal elements basically from the account of derivational morphology which is concerned with forming new lexemes, i.e. words that differ either in syntactic or semantic category from their bases, to be extremely productive in the languages under discussion. The qualitative research method was employed in data collection and analysis. Essentially, the focus has to do with the determination of universal properties of human languages and parametric variations cross-linguistically. 


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How to Cite

Dantata, A. . (2022). Affixation in Hausa and Kambari Languages. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria, 25, 71–92. Retrieved from