A Morpho-Phonological Survey of Borrowing into Hausa Language


  • Danjuma SANI Department of Languages
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Although people create or acquire words in several ways, borrowing is the most fecund source or pattern of increasing vocabulary in Hausa. This paper examines the phenomenon of borrowing into Hausa from the English language. The researcher examined written texts and listened extensively to native speakers’ speeches, among others, as a methodology of obtaining data in order to explain vividly the morphological processes involved in borrowing words from English into Hausa. The speeches were recorded and transcribed in order to obtain the natural phonological effects as delivered. The findings of this study reveal that borrowing is a very productive resource of vocabulary building in Hausa. Its productivity is as a result of the abundant strategies it employs in naturalizing English words into Hausa. The study concludes that Hausa continually invents new processes of naturalizing new words as they come from different human endeavors on almost daily basis. 

Author Biography

Danjuma SANI, Department of Languages

National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja



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How to Cite

SANI, D. . (2018). A Morpho-Phonological Survey of Borrowing into Hausa Language. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria. Retrieved from https://jolan.com.ng/index.php/home/article/view/46


