Language and Cultural Barrier: Implication for Conflict Resolution in Nigeria


  • Isong, Moses Bassey Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages
  • Willie, Willie Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages


language, cultural barriers, conflict and conflict resolution, contingency theory
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Conflict remains a global phenomenon. It is not a particular ethnic groups or society’s challenge. Conflict takes different forms and sizes; hence the ways of resolving such conflict differs based on language and cultural setup of a particular society. Resolving conflict is a huge task influenced by factors such as language and culture. The paper primarily seeks to highlight how language and culture are instrumental in conflict and conflict resolution. The colossal loss of both human and material resources in Nigeria is mostly the function of both linguistic and intra/inters ethnic conflict. The paper adopts contingency theory of strategic conflict management for discussions. The paper explains the concept of culture, conflict and conflict resolution, established a strong interface between cultural differences and conflict. It posits that if conflict must be resolved in Nigeria, linguistic and cultural diversity must be taken into consideration in order to bring about system balance as people’s worldview is rooted in their culture. Also, the need to employ the language of nativity in resolving conflict is highlighted. The paper concludes that an exploration of the language and the culture of the people remain effective tools for resolving conflict. It recommends that conflict resolution methods like mediation, avoidance, collaboration, etc should bring cultural and linguistic factors into thought and deliberation. 

Author Biographies

Isong, Moses Bassey, Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages

University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State

Willie, Willie, Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages

University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State


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How to Cite

Moses Bassey, I. ., & Willie, W. . (2019). Language and Cultural Barrier: Implication for Conflict Resolution in Nigeria. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria, 22(2), 46–55. Retrieved from