Nnyocha Ụfọdụ Atụmatụokwu Ndị Odee Ji Rụọ Ọrụ N’Ejije Ezindụ Site N’Atụtụ Staịlistiks/Sayensị Akanka


  • Ugwuoke Ebere Department of Linguistics Igbo and Other Nigerian Languages University of Nigeria Nsukka
  • Odada Solomon Department of Linguistics Igbo and Other Nigerian Languages University of Nigeria Nsukka
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Ụmị Edemede
Nchọcha a gbadoro ụkwụ na nnyocha ụfọdụ atụmatụokwu n’ ejije Ezindụ nke Mbaegbu, N.E, Anọzie, C.C, nakwa Umo, C. U, jikọrọ aka ọnụ dee. Ebumnuche ndị nchọcha a bụ ịchọpụtagasị ụfọdụ atụmatụokwu ndị odee a jiri rụọ ọrụ n’edemede ha site n’atụtụ staịlistiks bụ nke na-enyocha etu ndị odee si ewepụta nkamma dị n’ ejịje. N’isi nke mbụ, ndị nchọcha wubere ntọala nchọcha ha, nsogbu ha chọpụtara, bụ ihe kpalitere mmụọ ha na nchọcha a, ebumnuche ha, oke na ọrụ nchọcha ha, usoro, ụdị, ngwa ọrụ na nhazi data nchọcha ha. N’isi nke abụọ, ha tulegharịrị ndịna n’isiokwu edemede a, nchọcha emerela gbasara isiokwu ma wube nchọcha ha n’atụtụ staịlistiks bụ nke ha hụtara dịka ụzọ ka mma ha ga-eji wepụta nkamma dị n’ejije Ezindụ bụrụkwa usoro kamma iji nyocha etu ndị odee siri jiri atụmatụokwu dị iche iche were rụọ ọrụ n’ime ejije Ezindụ. Na nchịkọta, nchọpụta gosiri na ndị odee jiri atụmatụokwu ndị a egosipụta isiokwu ejije ha bụ Ezindụ, ha jikwa atụmatụokwu zipụta agwa ma yinye ha akparamagwa gosịkwara na ndị odee jiri
ekemekeuche ha hazikwaa akụkọ dị n’ ime akwụkwọ Ezindụ, nke gbasara ụwa anyị nọ n’ ime ya. Nke a malitere n’ isi nke mbụ ruo na ngwụcha Igodo okwu: Agụmagụ, Ejije, Nnyocha, Akanka na Atụmatụokwu.

Abstract in English
This research article examines and analyses some figures of speech featured in the drama texts written by Mbaegbu, N.E., Anozie, C.C., and Umo, C.U. The aim of this research is to identify the different figures of speech used by these authors in the text by applying the
theory of stylistics which amplifies the beauty in the drama. The methodology includes the use of research instruments. The primary sources of information are the drama texts. The researchers anchored their study in the science of stylistics which defines the beauty
of drama. This led to the discovery of how the authors used figures speech in the text to enhance the beauty of the drama text. The findings of the study revealed that the authors used figures of speech to amplify the subject matter of the text. Figures of speech were also used to explain the concept of characters and characterization. The study shows the creative abilities of the authors in the organization of the story which enhances the beauty of the writing. 


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How to Cite

Ebere, U., & Solomon, O. (2023). Nnyocha Ụfọdụ Atụmatụokwu Ndị Odee Ji Rụọ Ọrụ N’Ejije Ezindụ Site N’Atụtụ Staịlistiks/Sayensị Akanka. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria, 26(2), 160–175. Retrieved from https://jolan.com.ng/index.php/home/article/view/380