The Ḿbáīsé-Ígbò WH-words and complementation: A GB syntax approach


  • Obioma Bibian Enwere Department of Linguistics and Communication Studies


Ḿbáīsé-Ígbò, complement, Predicate in-situ, head-initial, head-final
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This paper tries to highlight the peculiar features of WH-Questions (WHQS) and to establish whether WH-words are nominal elements which do subcategorize complements to limit their references. The WH-words in Ḿbáīsé-Ígbò are grouped into two kinds - those marked by WH-words or the Predicate in-situ WHQs and those marked by initial Kèdụ́/ Ńdị ́ị̄/Ńdáā/ Óléē or the Subject in situ WHQs, where the WH-word is based-generated in SPEC-I position. The question words with initial Ńdị ́ị̄/ńdáā/Óléē(Kèdụ), are base-generated head-initially and take cognates - íhē, ébē, ónyē, ótū, ógè, m̀gbè, as their complements, which specify, ‘what’, how, when, where, and manner. The cognates serve as complements. The Predicate in-situ WHQs are the ones in which the WH-words occur in the complement or predicate position by some movement transformations. These WH-words are themselves the complements of the verbs. Adopting the Government and Binding (GB) approach and a qualitative method, with primary and secondary data, it is observed in Ḿbáīsé-Ígbò that WH-words are either the complements of verbs or nominal elements that subcategorize complements depending on their environment of occurrence.

Author Biography

Obioma Bibian Enwere, Department of Linguistics and Communication Studies

University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt



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How to Cite

Bibian Enwere, O. . (2019). The Ḿbáīsé-Ígbò WH-words and complementation: A GB syntax approach. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria, 22(1), 234–250. Retrieved from