NP-Movement in Tiv


  • Ishima J. L. J. Department of Languages and Linguistics


Tiv, NP-movement, Passivization, Raising, Surface Ordering, TGG
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The nature of Transformational Generative Grammar as characterized in syntactic structures is to account for superficial structures by proposing an underlying D-structure which maps unto S-structure. This is observed in such syntactic operations like NP-movement which serves as platform for accounting for phenomena such as Passivization and Raising. NP-movement operations and its properties in Tiv have not been fully examined. This work therefore focuses on NP-movement in Tiv, with the aim to project a formal linguistic account of this language phenomenon. The objective is to account for the diagnostics for this movement, as well as the effect of such movement on the S-derivation of structures. Data for the work is elicited from the conversations of competent Native Tiv speakers in normal conversational settings. And for analysis, the work relies on the syntactic theory of move-α (a unified single movement rule), of Chomsky (1977, 1981), to account for movement transformations of the type under study. The study finds NP-movement as an instance of Passivization and also an instance of the trigger behavior in the raising verb. The study also establishes that Passivization movement is clause internal, involves role reversal between object and subject, which is an instance of ‘voice’ change. For complex predicates, the study finds that the internal arguments are filled by NPs and PPs. The movement involves both complements and adjuncts, normally for focus effect. The verb is the trigger element in NP-raising, and the movement is from a lower clause in the matrix to a higher clause in the structure. This movement leaves a pronominal co-indexed copy trace in the vacated site. 

Author Biography

Ishima J. L. J., Department of Languages and Linguistics

Benue State University, Makurdi


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How to Cite

J. L. J., I. (2018). NP-Movement in Tiv. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria, 21(1), 186–193. Retrieved from