Etulo Personal Names as a Mirror of Culture


  • Martina Mnena Tyumbu Benue State University, Makurdi


Linguistic Relativity, Sociolinguistics, Etulo, Personal Names
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This study is an investigation into Etulo personal names. Personal names just like language and Literature perform the function of mirroring the culture in which they are acquired and given especially in African communities. It is therefore no doubt that names are vital in most African communities as they give a clear view of what is obtainable in the culture of a particular people. The paper is thus an attempt to justify that names are not given and taken in Etulo culture only as labels of identity, but also as a means for the expression of thoughts, beliefs,
daily practices and experiences which exist within the same culture. Sixty (60) names are collected using personal interview as a tool for data collection. The names are classified into proverbial, circumstantial, animal, title, borrowed/socio-cultural, and religious/appreciation names. The paper addresses Etulo names within the Linguistic relativity framework of sociolinguistics. The study observes that through naming, the Etulo world view is uncovered. The paper thus focuses on the Etulo people of Benue State and the names that exist within the Etulo people’s culture.


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How to Cite

Mnena Tyumbu , M. . (2017). Etulo Personal Names as a Mirror of Culture. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria, 20(1). Retrieved from