Level-Ordering Account of Reduplication in Ibeme Igbo


  • Chimaobi Onwukwe Abia state university, Uturu


Reduplication, Lexical phonology, Levels/Strata
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Levels or strata have been assumed in particularly morphology-phonology interactions across languages. The paper specifically accounts for the interaction of morphology and phonology in reduplication in Ibeme Igbo using the level-ordering theory. Data were collected through oral interviews using Mbah’s reduplication glossary. Introspection was involved in data gathering as a native speaker. The study observed three- level morphology phonology in Ibeme Igbo and they are: Level I morphology & phonology rules (Reduplicated gerundive nominal with harmonizing /o-/ prefix (patial c-copying), other reduplicated nominals with different prefixes and reduplicated verbs), Level 2 morphology & phonology rules (Reduplicated gerundive nominal with harmonizing o- (full CV copying), Affix-derived nominals (both prefix and suffix) and (prefix only), and Level 3 morphology & phonology rules (Reduplicated nominals -interfix and prefix both, interfix- derived nominals These levels show points of interaction of morphology and phonology in the derivation of nominal and verb reduplicated forms in Ibeme Igbo.


Author Biography

Chimaobi Onwukwe, Abia state university, Uturu




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How to Cite

Onwukwe, C. . (2017). Level-Ordering Account of Reduplication in Ibeme Igbo. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria, 20(1). Retrieved from https://jolan.com.ng/index.php/home/article/view/60