Exploring emerging imperfections in contemporary motherhood: Unveiling insights from Leïla Slimani's Chanson douce


  • Peter Agwu Department of Modern Languages and Translation Studies, University of Calabar, Calabar.


21st Century, Leïla Slimani, Gender Studies, Chanson douce, French Literature and Culture, Motherhood
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This study addresses the limited focus in academic discourse on the potential risks and detrimental effects of contemporary choices in motherhood on children, particularly when their care is entrusted to nannies. The research centers on Leïla Slimani's novel Chanson
douce (2016), also known as The Perfect Nanny. The aim is to explore the challenges faced by modern mothers as they strive to achieve work-life balance and professional accomplishment while fulfilling their roles as caregivers. Adopting psychoanalytical, sociological, and feminist frameworks, this study examines the inherent flaws in the modern style of motherhood and investigates the extent to which specific maternal decisions can impact children's developmental psychology. The methodology employed in this research involves a mixed-methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. This study’s findings highlight the need for a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding motherhood in the modern era. The research underscores the potential risks associated with mothers' pursuit of professional status beyond traditional homemaker roles and the impact of such choices on the well-being and development of children. This study contributes to the existing literature on motherhood by emphasizing the importance of exploring alternative models that prioritize the holistic welfare of children within evolving societal dynamics.


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How to Cite

Agwu, P. (2023). Exploring emerging imperfections in contemporary motherhood: Unveiling insights from Leïla Slimani’s Chanson douce. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria, 26(2), 147–159. Retrieved from https://jolan.com.ng/index.php/home/article/view/379