Verbal and Visual Interface in Select Nigerian Pop Music Videos


  • Abaya Henry Demenongo Department of English, University of Jos


Multimodality, Semiotics, Pop music, Systemic functional semiotics
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That pop music is one of the popular genres of music with much rhythm and harmony and its emphasis on romantic love songs is not news. What needs clarification is the level of interface in terms of meaning making between the verbal and visual aspects of pop music videos. This study thus investigates visual-verbal interface in some Nigerian pop music videos in order to determine the extent to which both visual and verbal modes encode and enhance meanings in the music. Three popular Nigerian pop music artists, Wizkid, Davido and Iyanya were chosen for their top status in the top-ten music videos in Nigeria in 2019. Two of their songs each were randomly picked out of the 49 music tracks produced by Wizkid, 60 tracks of Davido and Iyanya’s 22 singles. Findings indicate that, apart from paying attention to semiotic resources that are available in communicative modes, the variety of modes and their modal affordances, including multimodality account for how each mode interacts with others and how they are orchestrated in specific contexts to produce meaning. An understanding of all the modes and their meaning making properties thus brings about clearer/better understand of texts. 

Author Biography

Abaya Henry Demenongo, Department of English, University of Jos





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How to Cite

Henry Demenongo, A. (2020). Verbal and Visual Interface in Select Nigerian Pop Music Videos. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria, 23(2), 15–30. Retrieved from