Question Formation in Eha-Amufu


  • Edeoga Patience Nonye University Of Lagos, Lagos


Polar questions, Content questions, Vowel lengthening, Dialect
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Question is a universal phenomenon; every language in the world has a strategy for asking questions. Two main types of questions ‘Yes/No’ (Polar questions) and Wh-questions (content questions) have been identified for the world languages. However, the structure for the content questions is not uniform across languages. While some languages operate the syntactic whstructure others operate the LF wh-structure. Also, the question word or trigger for ‘yes/no’ (polar) questions is not the same for the languages and dialects; the Igbo language inclusive. This paper therefore, looks at question formation in Eha-Amufu dialect of Igbo with the aim of finding the type of wh- structure present in the dialect as well as the question trigger for other question forms present in the dialect using the descriptive method. This study shows that both the syntactic and the LF wh-structure are present in the dialect. Additionally, the trigger for ‘Yes/No’ question in the dialect is identified as Vowel Lengthening. The last vowel of the last word in the sentence irrespective of the word category is lengthened to indicate polar question in the dialect.

Author Biography

Edeoga Patience Nonye, University Of Lagos, Lagos




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How to Cite

Patience Nonye, E. . (2016). Question Formation in Eha-Amufu. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria. Retrieved from


