A Morpho-semantic Study of Adjectives in Fulfulde


  • Halima Abdullahi Sokoto State University, Sokoto


Adjectives, Fulfulde, predicative position


The study of adjectives reveals that universal adjectives are found across Languages including Fulfulde. This call for a study of adjectives cross-linguistically so as to determine typical characteristic features that are shared by all languages and those that are specific to particular languages. This work explores the method of description in the study of adjectives in Fulfulde, putting into consideration their distribution, form and function. The work also looks at different types of adjectives in Fulfulde and their Morpho-semantic structure, types and interpretation. Adjectives in this language display interesting and varied Semantic dimensions through its robust noun classes. This paper demonstrates that adjectives in Fulfulde usually occur in the predicative position, except in focused cases. Again, adjectives in Fulfulde are usually derived from nouns and verbs through suffixation. Fulfulde presents overwhelming morphological and morphophonemic processes in adjectival creation, displaying both covert and overt semantic nuances. Introspection was used to collect data and the analysis has been through morphophonemic process. The study has been for documentation before purpose before further research on same aspect.

Author Biography

Halima Abdullahi, Sokoto State University, Sokoto





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How to Cite

Abdullahi, H. . (2017). A Morpho-semantic Study of Adjectives in Fulfulde. Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria, 20(2). Retrieved from https://jolan.com.ng/index.php/home/article/view/107